First of its kind
The Thirdlings are handcrafted limited edition figures inspired by the ancient Valdivia culture. History and design of Nuno Acosta, handmade by Juan Orrala, 78-year-old Valdivian artisan.

The figures are presented through a new story that complements our legacy known through tradition and archaeology. The characters have a key role in the community that poses a social and cultural architecture.
Tercerícolas are creations of origin; original collectible crafts in limited editions handmade with traditional techniques introducing new stories and legends; integrating fair trade and traceability; developing a new economy for more artisans from Ecuador to compete in a global market with creative and cultural responsibility.
In order for the Thirdlings to exist and continue expanding their universe, a story was created:
“4,000 years ago, superior intelligences created designs that transcended the frontiers of time. Today we have unearthed traces of beings who came to create the world and gave meaning to our ideas. They are called Thirdlings, in honor of the third planet from the sun that they conquered” .
Nuno Acosta is an entrepreneur of creativity. Designer and creative writer with more than 20 years of experience in design and communication, he has dedicated his professional life to exploring graphics and popular manifestations of Ecuadorian culture. Promoter of creative and cultural responsibility, he focuses his ideas on original creations that highlight the pride of belonging to Ecuador.
The Thirdlings are the first line of crafts presented by Picaia, an ecuadorian brand focused on craft innovation that works with fair trade, is inclusive and creative, offers traceability and innovation, as well as a catalog of the best craftsmanship from towns dedicated to art. It was born with the purpose of making our most creative craftsmen known to the whole world.

The exhibit features 3 figures with established roles in their prot-society:
– The Bringer and the Heir: a female figure who leads her community with balance. She is chosen for carrying a child in her arms.
– The Seer: figure of the wise man who has one eye looking at the past to remember history, one eye looking at the present to understand reality and one eye looking at the future to imagine.
– The Linker: Creating and producing does not always come from a single mind. The linker had one of the most important jobs in the commune, that of building bridges between creators and producers. Interpreting dreams or ideas so that the hands that produced everything understood the spirit of the work.
The exhibition will introduce prototypes of 5 new figures that will represent new roles in the Thirdling culture.