First Thirdling artifact

The #Thirdlings are a new creative culture from Ecuador that is built through stories.

With series 2 we bring the first utilitarian artifact created under the Thirdling design style, handmade by the master craftsman Esteban Orrala from the Valdivia commune. The piece is a container, a wine decanter, which demonstrates the original style as well as the mastery of craftsmanship, making it also a decorative design piece.

The design, authored by Nuno Acosta, highlights the philosophy of the Thirdlings of “the beauty of irregularity” since the neck of the container shows a handle on one side and 3 on the other side. In addition, the artisan Esteban Orrala includes ancestral patterns and the detail of the handles resemble the beaks of the Spondylus shell, common on the coast of the Valdivia commune.

The artifact can be admired in the Return to the Origin exhibition at the Amantes de Sumpa Museum in Santa Elena.

It will soon be available for sale on
