Caja de Especialidad

Desempaca las artesanías más creativas de Ecuador.

Unbox the most delicious handcrafts in your house. In Picaia, we are dedicated to finding the most talented artisans from Ecuador and bringing to you Ecuador’s greatest treasures: handmade goods.

Thirdlings is our first series, part of the new creative culture from Ecuador.

Nuno Acosta the creator

Nuno Acosta is a creativity entrepreneur. Designer and creative editor with more than 20 years of experience in design and communication, he has dedicated his professional life to exploring graphics and popular manifestations of Ecuadorian culture.

Promoter of creative and cultural responsibility, he focuses his ideas on original creations that highlight the pride of belonging to Ecuador.

Arte orrala: artisan partner

Thirdling figures are handmade in Valdivia comune by Orrala Family. Jennifer Orrala is our business partner in charge of the fabrication of our figures.

Erik Grünberg U.S. Thirdling Contact

Headquartered in Southern California but helping this innovative blend of ancient-modern crafts land in your neck of the woods, no matter where that might be.

Reach out by phone (657-247-9289) or erikgrunberg@picaia.com


Robert Aillon is a space entrepreneur from Ecuador.

Leviathan Space Industries LLC and President of the Guayaquil Space Society.

Responsabilidad Cultural

Los artesanos ecuatorianos por décadas han enfrentado graves problemas como discriminación, pobreza, baja remuneración económica, poco reconocimiento social, comercialización de los productos.
In Ecuador, crafts are identity and heritage, it is the work of more than 300,000 artisans, but their lack of innovation and competitiveness is erasing the trace of our culture.
Picaia es una marca de creaciones de origen que distribuye artesanías originales coleccionables en ediciones limitadas hechas a mano con técnicas ancestrales; introduciendo nuevas historias; integrando el fair trade, blockchain y storytelling; desarrollando una nueva economía para más artesanos del Ecuador para competir en un mercado global con responsabilidad creativa y cultural.